The past several weeks have been filled with many of the stresses that life brings when a family is in the process of moving and preparing for their senior to graduate! Needless to say our plate is FULL! Good stuff though. We are moving May 1st into a larger home that is closer to the kid's school, and Mariah is well on her way to finishing up her senior year strong! This past week was very stressful as we waited for the final offer from Fresno State's head soccer coach. Things fell into place Thursday morning when Mariah received an offer to join the women's soccer team, which she accepted without hesitation. It has been a long journey with many bumps and curves along the way. With an offer from FPU on the table it was a difficult, but solid decision, and we can now move forward. A huge weight was lifted from her shoulders and the family has returned back to homeostasis! Our girls are getting along like they did when they were little and it blesses me to see them re-connect. An answer to several years of prayer...I never doubted our God as He promises to answer the prayers of a praying mother. I reminded myself of that promise many times over the past few years and continue to remind myself every time He meets me at His Throne. I love my Heavelnly Father without hesitation and I know he has great plans for each one of my children...I just have to remember to present it to Him daily. I am working on that.
So what does this have to do with lunch with dad? The distractions and stresses have really set me back on my writing...but not on my lunches with my dad. I promised myself that unless there is some catastrophic event (end of the world status) I am NOT cancelling on dad! And...I have managed to keep that promise, surprisingly. Dad and I have gone to lunch every single Friday since we started this journey. We have gone alone, and have had tag-a-longs...all of which have been a joy. I have put my dad's stories on hold for a bit as I have not been able to blog and I want his stories to be fresh and colorful and as close to authentic as this blog will be a summary of our lunches over the past 5 weeks. I hate summary's but sometimes they are necessary...At least it's not a re-cap. Those are the worst! Especially when you are cruising along and the plot is getting good and them BAM! The stinking writers do a stupid re-cap...Survivor is notorius for this! I usually skip that week and pick up when the story continues. I hope you won't skip this post. I think it has some gems tucked in it along the way :)
Week 1: Farmer Boys: Mom tagged along as it was her day off. This was a pretty simple lunch and we talked about dad's trips to Washington. Dad saw the eruption of Mt. St. Helen's and I remember him bringing back ashes in a bottle for me when I was a kid. Dad always wanted to move to Washington. It was his favorite place to travel, but my mom would not have any part of that. She loved California and didn't want to leave her parents.
Week 2: Panera Bread: Dad and I went alone. This was a great lunch! Dad had never been to Panera and was excited to try the new (to him) restaurant. He loved it!! We chalked it up as "one to come back to". Dad shared with me that he had been working more and more in the yard, which I thought was fantastic. The vitamin D is so good for him. He jumped right into memories of his youth, and shared that he met my mom on the playground at the grammar school. He said that he fell in love with her the moment he saw her. "She had big blue eyes, beautiful legs and a great butt!" I'm sure there were other endearing qualities that he discovered as they grew older, but these features are important to a 16 year old boy! When they were officially dating they had a standing date at the rolladium and went to the drive-in restaurant where the waitresses wore roller skates and brought your meal right to the car. Dad said it was a place for guys to show off their hot rods! All of my parents dates were chaperoned by my grandmother Agnes. For those who didn't know her...she was a tough bird! Not one to be easily impressed. Dad had to really pour on the charm to keep her happy, but I imagine my grandmother saw right through the charm. Poor dad! Dad said they had a great teenage life. They went to beach parties and bon fires and spent vacations at Santa Cruz near Searsville Lake and Coyote Dam. They also went to Lake Barriessa where they went water skiing and boating. My dad would drive his uncle Billy's boat and they would tool around the lake all day. My dad's family had a cabin in Santa Cruz near Boulder Creek and the family would go there in the summer. Dad took mom with him once they were an item. Dad said that neither my mom nor my dad smoked or drank. Dad would fake like he was drinking just to get into the parties when they were young. He hated the taste of beer and alcohol so he would just hold a beer in his hand and pretend he was part of it all. Peer pressure was thick, but dad and mom married young (22 and 24) so they didn't remain in the scene for long. I don't think I have ever seen my dad have a beer in my entire life. To this still does not like the taste of alcohol.
Week 3: Red Lobster: Dad chose Red Lobster for lunch on this date. He was so excited to go because he hadn't been in so long. It was a great lunch with my mom and dad. Just the three of us. We spent most of the lunch just enjoying our time together. I asked dad if we could put our trip down memory lane on hold until I get caught up on the blog and he...of course...agreed. One of the waitresses recognized us from soccer. She was so sweet and very supportive of Mariah and her journey with her ACL rehabilitation. She offered prayer and encouragement which was much needed at the time. God is so faithful to put the people you need in your path when you need them. I was so thankful for her prayers. It seemed to be just the boost I needed at that time. I told her about our "Lunch With Dad" dates and she was touched. I love it when people are blessed by this process. I know it blesses me, but when it blesses others...I can't ask for any more!
Week 4: Castillos: Dad wanted mexican food this week so I suggested Castillos. A hole in the wall that people rave about. I have heard that it is the BEST Mexican food in the Valley. I am a connoisseur of mexican food so I needed to check this out. Turns out it was pretty good. The Best? That's debatable. I LOVE Rubalcava's in is my favorite. At any rate...we took an entire group this time to lunch. Mom, dad, Mariah, Marlee, Jenny and me. It was a really good time. We hadn't seen Jenny in a while and it is always a joy to spend time with her. She is a wonderful young woman that we used to homeschool with. In fact...I have her reserved for my #2 child, Kory. One day...she may be my daugther in law ;) one can hope! Either way, my dad loves her. She is not only sweet in nature but looks like Ariel with her long shiny red hair and soft freckles. It was a blessing to have her tag along. The restaurant was loud and not conducive to conversation, but we managed to chat it up anyway. Dad continues to "tinker" around the house and it is driving my mother CRAZY! Mom said he has now "moved into the kitchen!" She said...he has now moved into the cupboards and started organizing them!" She was appauled. I had to laugh and point out the benefits of this newly found hobby dad has engaged in, but she wasn't buying it. She said "never in his life has he organized the kitchen! It's just not right. He doesn't belong in there! I mean...the garage is fine but NOT the kitchen!" I'm not sure why she is so frustrated with his organizing the kitchen. Perhaps it's because now she can't find things as easily. I, personally, would love it if Joe organized our kitchen. I asked my dad why he was organizing the kitchen and his response was simple..."Because it's a mess!"
Week 5: Last week we had plans to go to Texas Roadhouse. A brand new restaurant that had it's grand opening two weeks ago. Unfortunately, they were only open for dinner and I had to be home to pick up Colby from shcool. We agreed that we would try it some time for dinner with the whole family. We settled on IHOP, one of dad's all time favorites. Dad was curious to know how the kids were doing, in particular, Colby. I think Colby reminds my dad of himself. Dad said Colby is smart like he was and witty. I told dad that he is really bored with school. He complains about a lot of wasted time and just sitting in the classroom. This is what I struggle with mentally and emotionally all of the time when it comes to my children and their education. One of the many reasons we chose to homeschool for 9 years. I vascilate back and forth with the issue and continually lift the decision up in prayer. God has been faitful, as usual to bless us in this area as well. For now, Colby will remain at the local public school. We will see where God leads. Dad said his teacher once told his grandfather "Poppy Phil" "Why am I gonna teach him if he knows everything already!?" You get the pciture! My dad was a smart kid and at times was probably difficult to teach.
While eating lunch I got a call from a prospective employer that wanted to let me know that I had made it past the 3rd phase of hiring and that they would like to offer me the opportunity to move forward with the hiring process. Dad was so excited for me and I was excited to share it with him. He has always been one of my greatest fans and this situation was no exception. Dad said he'd like to see me get my PhD -_- I told him I'd think about it...which usually means I will probably pursue it. We will see.
Upon picked up a rental guide for my niece Stephanie and her husband Travis. They are looking for a place to move in to since moving back from San Diego. Dad is a hopeless family man, tirelessly thinking of his family and always trying to help in any way he can. He is the ultimate dad :)
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